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The Owl Research Institute

Dedicated to owl conservation through research and education


Watch Owls Live: Owls 24/7 on cameras

Each year, we partner with, an arm of the Annenberg Foundation, to share some of our local wildlife and the iconic landscape of Northwest Montana's Mission Valley through Live Cams. 

The cameras are active and streaming live online 24/7. By day, you can view the scene in color - by night, infrared. These cameras have given us an ability to learn more about breeding behavior of owls and Osprey. 


Download Explore App Here

A white man, Denver Holt, sits on the ground next to a snowy owl nest. A male snowy owl is swooping in to attack him.


We conduct long-term research on owls, their prey species, and their relationship to the habitat in which they live. 

ORI's Research Projects


Group of people stand in an open grassland


ORI engages and educates a global audience through our annual newsletter, live cams, social media, articles, field tours, online and live presentations, and more. 

Owl ID Guide

Live Cams

Educational Outreach

A northern saw-whet owl sticks its head out of a cavity in a tree.


We provide partners, such as federal and state agencies, private conservation groups, and land owners, with vital information to promote meaningful and informed habitat management. 

Owl Conservation

a trailer is parked on a two-track in an open pine forest

About ORI

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Watch All The Explore Watch Live Cams

Research Projects That Need Your Support

Thanks to you, the Owl Research Institute maintains long-term research on 10 owl species in Montana and Alaska. Our research is a critical step in understanding how to effectively preserve a future for owls.


Featured here are some of our priority projects in need of funding. Choose a project to support or make a general donation that will be applied where it is needed the most.  

A male snowy owl flying

Climate Change and Snowy Owls

Understanding why populations are declining is the first step toward remedies.​

a great gray owl adult and chick in a snag nest

Great Gray Owls & Snag Data for Forest Management

Snags are a critical component of forest ecosystems and provide homes for a myriad of species. Again and again, we find them removed from otherwise ideal Great Gray habitat.

long-eared owl perched in a tree branch

Taking the Long-View on Long-Eared Owls

With significantly declining populations, our long-term research and monitoring is critical to our understanding of the bigger picture. 

Recent News

Stay Connected with ORI

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, or see our social media feed below. Click on any photo to read more.

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Support Priority Projects for Owls





We are so grateful to the photographers who capture owls, and our work, in the most amazing ways. They generously share their work with us, and you. Check out the works of some of the photographers whose work is featured on our site! They are incredible talented artists who are committed to wildlife conservation.

Thank you to:

Kurt Lindsay:

Daniel J Cox:

Radd Icenoggle:

Melissa Groo:

Ly Dang:

Tom Murphy:

Deborah Hanson

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The ORI is a non-profit, 501(c) 3, tax-exempt organization. We are funded by individual and non-profit  group donations, grants from foundations and corporations, and occasionally agency contracts. We accept donations of real property, vehicles, and stock donations. Please consider us in your estate planning. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Our federal tax identification number is 81-0453479.




Charlo, MT 59824

(406) 644-3412

Copyright © 2021-2024 Owl Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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