Successful Season-End at Saw-whet Owl Banding Station at Flathead Lake Biological Station!
The ORI's Saw-whet Owl migration research project at the University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station and wrapped up busy season

Snowy Owl Non-Breeding Season
Have you ever wondered what Snowy Owl biologists do up on the tundra during a non-breeding season? The Owl Research Institute's 2023...

2023 Snowy Owl Breeding Season Updates
June VIDEO: First update from the Arctic! June 9, 2023 VIDEO: Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic (June 2023) July VIDEO:...

Meet Hayley Madden, ORI's 2023 Field Technician!
Say hello to Hayley, our 2023 Field Technician! She's been with us for about a month now, and is a critical part of our small research...

Searching for Long-eared Owls with Denver & Beth, and local writer Shane Sater
Recently, local biologist and writer Shane Sater joined Denver, Beth, and ORI volunteers for a day in the field looking for Long-eared...

VIDEO- Sexing Snowy Owl Chicks
September 14, 2022 This video shares information about how researchers at the Owl Research Institute (ORI) determine the sex of Snowy Owl...

Snowy Owl nesting cam now live!
Special thanks to explore.org! It is not easy to set up a live camera streaming 24/7 from the Arctic tundra, but the amazing folks at...

Whooo is in there? Peeper cam lets us see what’s happening in owl cavities
May 12, 2022 ORI uses a cavity inspection camera, aka “peeper cam,” for our studies on cavity-nesting owls, most importantly Northern...

Celebrating 10 Years of Northern Saw-whet Owl Migration Research!
2021 is the 10th year of our Northern Saw-whet Owl migration research. Season updates, pictures, and new shirts for sale!

It’s that time of year: Long-eared Owl survey season!
Last week the ORI crew conducted the first Long-eared Owl survey of the season. They were able to recapture a banded owl.