ORI PUBLISHES PAPER - A Worldwide Review of Snowy Owl Feeding Ecology: The Importance of Lemmings and Voles in a Changing Climate
We are excited to share the publication of our latest research paper in Birds journal: Birds, Volume 5, Issue 3 (September 2024) General...

Successful Season-End at Saw-whet Owl Banding Station at Flathead Lake Biological Station!
The ORI's Saw-whet Owl migration research project at the University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station and wrapped up busy season

Snowy Owl Non-Breeding Season
Have you ever wondered what Snowy Owl biologists do up on the tundra during a non-breeding season? The Owl Research Institute's 2023...

All things Snowy Owl- Denver interviewed on local Cape Cod NPR station
August 16, 2022 Ahead of his two presentations at the Polly Hill Arboretum and the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole later this...

Northern Saw-Whet Banding news- a recapture!
Exciting news from the ORI banding station- last week we caught a bird that was originally banded in Canada in 2019! This female Northern...

Mark your calendars for ORI’s Public Owl Banding Night
Join Owl Research Institute researchers at our banding station in Missoula, MT, and learn about Northern Saw-Whet Owls.

Banding Northern Saw-whet Owls
Last week we had the opportunity to band some young northern saw-whet owls! Northern saw-whet owls are perhaps one of the cutest small...

Satellite Tracking Update
There's exciting news from the North as we continue to track the movements of three young snowy owls, from their nest site through their...

Long-eared Owl Roost Cam is streaming LIVE again!
Hooray! Our Long-eared Owl roost cam is up and running again! It’s one of our favorites; after all, 32-years ago Denver’s study of...

ORI & Snowy Owls featured in Smithsonian Magazine!
IT'S HERE! IT'S OUT! IT'S SO EXCITING FOR US! Click on the photo to read the article which appeared in the October issue. The October...