Successful Season-End at Saw-whet Owl Banding Station at Flathead Lake Biological Station!
The ORI's Saw-whet Owl migration research project at the University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station and wrapped up busy season

Mark your calendars for ORI’s Public Owl Banding Night
Join Owl Research Institute researchers at our banding station in Missoula, MT, and learn about Northern Saw-Whet Owls.

Montana Migration Project kicks off for 2018
Fall has returned to western Montana! You can tell by the changing color of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, and yes, the start of...

Long-eared Owl Banding
Last week we visited a Long-eared Owl nest to band the five, resident chicks before they fledged. One interesting thing about the nest:...

Visit From Hawk Mountain Researcher
The Owl Research Institute had the recent pleasure of hosting Dr. Jean-Francois Therrien, Senior Research Biologist at Hawk Mountain...

Join us in Bozeman Tonight for Owls of Montana presentation
Hosted by the Bozeman Sacajawea Audubon Society, Denver Holt will give a presentation on the Owls of Montana tonight. The event starts at...