ORI PUBLISHES PAPER - A Worldwide Review of Snowy Owl Feeding Ecology: The Importance of Lemmings and Voles in a Changing Climate
We are excited to share the publication of our latest research paper in Birds journal: Birds, Volume 5, Issue 3 (September 2024) General...

Snowy Owl Non-Breeding Season
Have you ever wondered what Snowy Owl biologists do up on the tundra during a non-breeding season? The Owl Research Institute's 2023...

Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic!
Young Snowy Owl finally home From the Arctic to Montana and back again: the long journey of Snowy, the young female Snowy Owl who was...

2023 Snowy Owl Breeding Season Updates
June VIDEO: First update from the Arctic! June 9, 2023 VIDEO: Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic (June 2023) July VIDEO:...

Owl Run Hundreds: new milestone reached!
2,400 miles. $30,000. All for ORI and long-term owl research. Pete Ripmaster is on a mission to run 100 miles in all 50 states—and, in...

Snowy Owl Chick Photo ID Guide now available as PDF
Our Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owls from Hatching to Fledging is now available to download as a PDF! Visit the web...

Denver's Cypress, CA Snowy Owl presentation now available to watch online
February 6, 2023 On January 19, 2023, Denver gave a talk about Snowy Owl breeding ecology in Cypress, California. Huge thanks to Sea &...

A Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owl Chicks
February 2023 NEW RESOURCE! ORI's Denver Holt, along with Solai Le Fay and Chloe Hernandez, have put together a new photographic...

Sea, Sand... and a Snowy Owl? Denver to present talk on Snowy Owls in California
The recent sighting of a Snowy Owl in Cypress, California, has generated excitement and curiosity about this amazing raptor. Sea and Sage...

Virtual Owl Expert Speaker Series: 31 Years of Snowy Owl Research with Denver Holt
Mark your calendars: Denver will be presenting for the International Owl Center's Virtual Owl Expert Speaker Series! Title: Snowy Owls:...