"I'm Looking Out for Owls" T-shirt Campaign A Success - Thank You!

To Everyone Who Supported our T-Shirt Fundraiser:
We did it! We met our goal of 100 “I’m Looking Out for Owls” shirts sold, and raised $1550.00 from our first ever T-shirt campaign! We are celebrating at the Owl Research Institute! Hoot! Hoot!
We are grateful for your generosity and for supporting our work at the Owl Research Institute. We loved reading the great comments and appreciate that so many of you made additional donations. Together, we can continue to “Look Out for Owls” – working to better understand these incredible raptors and helping to protect the habitats they call home.
Shirts ordered by November 30th will be delivered around December 18th. In case you want to purchase another shirt, the site will be open until December 15th. We are already making plans for a spring fundraiser and the idea for ORI coffee mugs is getting a lot of votes so far! Let me know if you have any other ideas!
As always, please don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions.
Thank you! Thank you!