Giving Tuesday 2022- Support Owl Research & Conservation!
November 29, 2022

Our focus on long-term research has led to real impacts in owl conservation- but we need your support! More than ever, individual donations ensure that ORI's mission to study and conserve owl species can continue.
As a 501(c)3 with a very small staff, gifts of any amount are vital to our continued success- especially in this tough economic climate. Your donation will go directly to support our many research projects, which you can read about in the 2022 issue of The Roost, our annual newsletter. (Read it online, or request a print copy!)

As a special thank you, all donations can enter into a raffle for one of 5
of our limited edition Snowy Owl embroidered hats!
(Winners choose color of their choice: Gray, Navy Blue, or Dark Green).