Great Horned Owl News: Hootie and Wonkie have 3 Chicks and New Mating Pair Settle at the Farm
March 2024

Wonkie watching over her 3 chicks in the nest [photo courtesy of Ladybarber61]
Three Chicks Hatch for "Hootie" & "Wonkie"
The Great Horned Owl pairing affectionately known as "Mrs. Wonky and Mr. Hootie" by the cam fam have successfully hatched and are raising 3 chicks
You can watch the GHOW Family Cam Here.

Gif courtesy of Blair-55

Here Wonkie and Hootie's chicks are fledging [photo courtesy of Liv_Owl&Osprey<3]

A new male Great Horned Owl "Wink" came to the ORI Farm Cam territory in late November and had been hooting up a storm until he attracted a new mate "Dottie". Although they were a mating pair, Dottie spent nearly 3 weeks on their nest, but unfortunately the nest failed. They have continued to spend their time together near the ORI Farm Roost cam here.

Wink and Dottie [Photo Courtesy of jeanIA]