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NEW RECORD: Winter Raptor Survey has over 11,000 Raptors Counted so Far!

January 2024


Rough-Legged Hawk Photo Courtesey of Alex Kearney and ORI's Beth Mendelsohn surveying

We had a RECORD BREAKING day in January

During our Mission Valley Raptor Survey on January 20th, we counted 849 raptors! The previous record was 828 birds back in January 2021. Some of the species observed included Bald Eagles, Northern Harriers, Merlins, Kestrels, Prairie Falcons, Great Horned Owls, Red-tailed Hawks and Rough-legged Hawks!

Over the past 5 years, we have now documented over 11,000 raptors including data on their location, habitat use, color morph, age, and more. This could not be done without the help of our skilled team of volunteers, thank you to everyone who has participated in our Raptor Surveys!

1 Comment

4 days ago

Wow. It's great!

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