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Winter Short-eared Owl Surveys Happening 3 Times Per Month, Thanks to Volunteers!

February, 2024

Short-eared Owl sitting on fence post in winter

Photo of Short-eared Owl by Melissa Groo

SEOW surveys conducted 3 times per month is helping us to assess how owls use and move around our study area throughout the winter. We've only been able to do this with the boot-power of over 20 volunteers. Through a combination of this and prey surveys, we are learning a lot about the wintering habits of the species. We are gearing up for owl nesting season in Western Montana, which starts mid-February.

Our winter Short-eared Owl surveys have been extra frosty lately in the grasslands. Despite the cold, our crew has had great success on these surveys, recently coming across a communal roost of at least 75 owls!

Group of volunteers for the ORI and dog

Frosty landscape with person walking down a snowy road

Night-time remote cam photo of a group of Short-eared Owls in their winter roost

Night-time remote cam photo of Short-eared Owls in their winter roost by Beth Mendelsohn



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